SAC’s 帕特里斯·巴拉德 Receives 区 Honor During International Education Week


Russell Guerrero - Strategic Communications Coordinator

帕特里斯·巴拉德, senior coordinator of International Students Services at 圣安东尼奥学院, received special recognition from the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 for her outstanding efforts in promoting internationalization. She was also recognized for her long-term commitment to serving international students.

T帕特里斯·巴拉德的网络故事.jpghe honor was announced during International Education Week, an annual event to celebrate diversity, increase awareness of international learning experience benefits, and continue advancing the mission of globalizing the 阿拉莫大学.

“通过你的努力和辛勤工作, our international students have found a home at the 阿拉莫大学,亚历杭德拉·布埃诺写道, Executive Director for International Programs at the 区, 向巴拉德宣布这一荣誉.

“You have been a champion helping others realize the importance of incorporating a global view into the college experience. 另外, your expertise has been instrumental in assisting all students, gaining a true international education experience through the programs you have organized and coordinated,布埃诺补充道.

As a senior coordinator of International Students Services, Ballard oversees a multitude of responsibilities, 包括:

  • Ensuring the college and students remain in compliance with the government’s Student and Exchange Visitor Program.
  • Issuing Certificates of Eligibility for non-immigrant F-1 visa applicants.
  • 管理考勤跟踪, 数据库信息, and enrollment of all F-1 students in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System.
  • Acting as a liaison to various government agencies such as Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Ballard sees her role being more than just helping international students navigate their way through a labyrinth of complex immigration rules.

“When I first began working with international students over 21 years ago, I came to understand the relationship and connection these students have with the International Student Services Office is very important,巴拉德说, 关于她的工作.

“I am the person they look to for guidance, 一个他们可以交谈的人, someone they can trust and depend on, someone they know has their best interest at heart even when I say no or tell them something they may not want to hear. Knowing and understanding this is a huge responsibility and is not taken lightly. 的se students are in my care and it is my responsibility to support them as best as I can,她补充道。.

International Education Week is a joint initiative of the U.S. 美国国务院和美国.S. 教育部. 的 国际项目办公室 at the 区 leads the event in cooperation with its five colleges.
