St. Philip’s 大学 Hosts H-E-B Black Box Theater Groundbreaking


程控营销 & Strategic Communications

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St. Philip’s 大学 (SPC) hosted a successful groundbreaking on Thursday, 3月28日, marking a significant milestone with the H-E-B Black Box Theater. This theater will create a new wing of the Watson Fine Center, which is home to the Fine Arts and Kinesiology Department.

Construction of the H-E-B Black Box Theater has been made possible with the generous support of H-E-B. The company made a substantial $1 million donation towards the project. Additionally, funding from the U.S. Department of Education, Title III program has played a vital role in making this construction project possible.

“We are longstanding supporters of education and arts initiatives across the state, and we’re proud to continue our support of St. Philip’s and its 126-year history,怀内尔·赫伦说, H-E-B Group Vice President Public Affairs, 多样性, and Environmental Affairs. “We believe in the profound impact education has on our lives, and we’re committed to helping our partners in education provide opportunities that drive creativity and innovation.”

The impact of the H-E-B Black Box Theater extends beyond its physical dimensions of 20,000 square feet and a full capacity of 200 seats. With the potential to serve over 1,000名SPC学生, it will be a hub for artistic learning and innovation. 此外, it will provide an invaluable platform for the community to engage with the arts and foster a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity.

St. Philip’s 大学 President, Dr. 阿黛娜·威廉姆斯·罗斯顿, expressed enthusiasm at the groundbreaking event by saying, “This state-of-the-art facility will enhance our teaching and learning spaces and puts our students ahead of the curve when it comes to learning performance standards with acting, 跳舞, 音乐, 布景设计. The groundbreaking of this new theater is another step towards breaking down barriers in education for St. Philip’s 大学 students, barriers in opportunities for the arts industry, and barriers toward providing increased access to the arts on the east side of 圣安东尼奥.”

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